a Tiny description

a full time artist, stepmother, radio personality, and mom to an energetic Chug dog, tries to get through the days without committing a felonious act. My life is a rickety Zen circus.


Wednesday, August 08, 2012

so exciting!

okay - with help from my private interior decorator (Sue), I have a Secret Plan.  I can't say much, but it involves paint & electrical work while husband is off sailing for 6 days.  In fact, this will be an enormous undertaking, so if you want to help, call me.  but don't even hint about this to husband.  he will grow to like it.
meanwhile, back at the dig site, 5 bags of garbage went out this morning.  the big black bags.  industrial size.  husband helped.  i staged everything at the top of the stairs, and he patiently explained that i should sort and recycle the plastic from the glass from the metal.  i explained back that if i had to re-touch or examine this stuff in any way, shape or form, that most of it would find it's way back into the room.  he grabbed bags and bolted down the stairs.  he is proud of me.  i am proud of me.  and i lost 3 more pounds.  and finally got that 1-2-3-1-2-3 step at zumba.  no arms yet though...i'd end up on my keister if i had to do both arms & feet.  but i have an inner homey trying to express herself, so i suspect the arms come soon.  old dog/new tricks.
today is the MRI day, so keep your fingers crossed.  maybe there'll be a lightening storm, and i'll somehow end up with super powers if the machine gets hit.  you can't say for sure.
ok - off to order electrical things & paint, and get this day started.  i promised a neighbor kid i'd sew her patches on her band jacket in time for her group photo, and forgot.  it's due in 3 days, and she accomplished a lot in her 4 years in high school, apparently, because there are a jillion of them.  all being sewn by hand.  why by hand?  my sewing machine is buried.  yes.  the expensive machine my husband bought me for my birthday eons ago, that fits perfectly into the 10'x8' table he built around the machine.  the very table that i now use for everything but sewing, as i don't really do art quilts any more, and don't have the heart to tell him, although i do use the table for everything else, as i mentioned.
then i have to start locating the supplies i bought for the art workshop i'm headed to in October, as opposed to the one i usually head to in september, which i still can't talk about without feeling upset.  (if i'm honest).
That's me on top of that EMPTY SHELF!  and actually, the unit next to it is also technically empty - just waiting for husband to help drag some of it down the stairs.

1 comment:

Kim Mailhot said...

This is awesome, Linda !!! I can feel your enthusiasm and strength in your words ! You go, Girlfriend !!!