a Tiny description

a full time artist, stepmother, radio personality, and mom to an energetic Chug dog, tries to get through the days without committing a felonious act. My life is a rickety Zen circus.


Wednesday, December 21, 2011

with sprinkles and a cherry on top

okay - i have to be kinda sneaky about this, because i never know who's reading & i don't want to spoil the surprise. but here's the deal. i am a firm believer in the "what goes around, comes around," and not just germs. my last few posts have been about doing good, and good will come to you, right? well, never in my wildest dreams did i expect that to happen on a freezing cold night (last night) when a certain someone's main christmas gift was at stake. i had just one day - yesterday - to sneak a big big box into the house, wrap it, and breathe a sigh of relief. it had been paid for, and was waiting at the store for the exact right time. so last night was that time, however, i realized late in the day that i would never not ever be able to unload it from my car once i got home. too heavy. i took a mental survey of my neighborhood, and realized that the only person who might be able to help was away. stepdaughter and strong-like-bull boyfriend (hers, not mine) to the rescue. the shortened version of this part was they arrived at the store, and plans had gotten confused, and rather than a pickup truck, they had her small car...smaller than mine. but i was hopeful i could cram the box into my car. at the service desk, we waited and waited and waited for them to locate the box, get it down from the rafters, and wheel it up front. i was not annoyed at the wait...it's a busy time of year, and just felt something peaceful. did i mention we waited a looong time? that's key here, because there is no such thing as imperfect timing in God's world if we pay attention. i was chatting with the customer service cashier, explaining how this was going to be a huge surprise and that the recipient would never ask for anything for themself, so i was so happy to have thought this up, etc. So the box arrives on the big dolly/cart thing, and 2 employees are asking where my truck is. Another man behind the counter looks at the box and says "That is an awesome present! I'd like that myself!" (glow glow). we go outside to my car, which is not a truck, and dread sinks in...it won't fit. it was like trying to shove my ass into the jeans that i own from last year. no amount of wishin and hopin was going to get it in. and delivery was $79. Not an option. so back to the perfect timing thing. while we were standing out there staring at the box, willing it to shrink by a mere 3 inches, the man from behind the counter walks out on the way to his car to leave for the night and asks what the problem was. we explained, and as he walked toward his car, he turned around, and said to the men "ring that under a blah blah blah no charge blah blah blah merry christmas." we all gaped at each other for a second, and then looked at him as he was walking away and said WHAT DID YOU SAY?? all at once. he repeated. yes. he said to put it on a truck right then & deliver to my house for free. tears followed. i was gobsmacked. this is one of those huge corporate chain stores. not a local we-know-you-since-you-were-born places. and this man's kindness saved my particular christmas surprise. the men with the cart said that was their new store manager, and "what a great guy he is." I couldn't agree more. i have initiated many random acts of kindness in my life, just because it feels so darn good, and because it is the right thing to do. but this. coming back in such a huge way. is.amazing. i'm still smiling. i snarkled and dripped tears the entire ride back to my house with a huge delivery truck behind me. they must have spent at least $79 in gas. and to follow the thread backwards, at any time, if any one of the actions had been delayed by even a minute, this miracle would not have been possible...if i had gotten to the store a mere few minutes later than i did, the manager would have been gone already...or if it took them less time to get the box up front, he would've been in the back of the store. my lesson (again) to myself: pay attention to that small voice ...that intuition...that unreasonable pull to go to a particular location at a particular time. there just may be something so incredibly wonderful for you, or for you to do. right now, i am going to explode with gratitude with all the goodness going around. how about you?

1 comment:

BJ Lantz said...

Awwww....I love stories like this! And it really is true that what you put out there comes back to you and you have always put out such loveliness, so I am not surprised :-)

Now I want to know what the pressie is!