a Tiny description

a full time artist, stepmother, radio personality, and mom to an energetic Chug dog, tries to get through the days without committing a felonious act. My life is a rickety Zen circus.


Tuesday, October 25, 2011


i have had such a hard time concentrating and moving forward this past week...make that past few weeks. the last few days, at least i've had the excuse of sinus headaches and sore throat, but it's still been a blah blah blah few weeks, it seems. Much to do but no connections. you know what i mean? i think there may be something burbling to get out, which is usually how this malcontentedness signals...a new piece or series or material trying to shove it's head out of my head. and it's not like i walked around zombified... there was the excitement of having my Talisman necklaces worn by models in Fashion Week last week, and the hustle of setting up my work (at the same time as making 18 necklaces in 2 days) at the Holiday House. (then taking it down after organizer issues closed it). i have just been too tired this past month to really dig in to what i need to get done. bone tired. staring at the tv from the couch all evening tired. even when it's a dumb show like Real Housewives tired. (do those women realize how incredibly self-involved they are? yes i get it - and i don't sneer at them for having money. it's just that i wonder if they realize that a few miles down the road, where the air is not so rare, there are actual people that need some help, and what these women spend on a birthday party for a 2 year old is more than some people make in 5 years slogging through life. rant over). I'm grateful for the studio lighting i have - bright "daylight spectrum" tubes in large fixtures over my worktable. i never know it's dark out! and the color is great - no flourescent-y tones or hot spots. not to worry - i'm not sad or depressed or anxiety-ridden...just tired. maybe this sinus/throat thing is kicking my behind a bit more than i think. but now is the time i should be ramping up for christmas orders and opportunities. but blessed fruit loops, i could just go back to bed for a week. i am lovin me Judy Wise's Hot Wax class! yessir! and i am hoping to go here in July, which means i should get my butt in gear and make some stuff! so go here and help send an artist to camp! I have some new talismans i'll be adding this week (from the fashion week show) that are so cool...one is made out of a silver salt shaker that was used in dinner service on American Airlines First Class section. not sayin how i got it, but it was a joy to find and work with. so, time to pull myself together here and get ready for a meeting. wishing you a fantastic light-filled day with much laughter!

1 comment:

Kim Mailhot said...

Take good care of you, Linda. I hope some sweet joy finds you today !