a Tiny description

a full time artist, stepmother, radio personality, and mom to an energetic Chug dog, tries to get through the days without committing a felonious act. My life is a rickety Zen circus.


Tuesday, October 13, 2009

(UPDATE: thanks to sue, here's the pic...better in person, but nonetheless...) if i could figure out how to transfer photos from my cameraphone to this blog, you would be looking at the most heartstopping triple rainbow...you would see each and every distinct color - even the elusive purple - in wide, proud bands arching across a sky that was cloud-dark on one side, and sunlight searing through the treetops and glistening on sugar droplets of finished rain on the blazingly brilliant autumn leaves...you'd see the cars pulled over at the side of the road as drivers forgot the rush and hustle of their hamster wheel to stare with their mouths open and make a wish, and wonder "is there a promise held here for me?" and they would wonder which promise they'd want kept...which desire, which urging, which unfulfilled nook of their hearts would they want heard in that rainbow...and to follow the great vibrant arch end to end, as far as possible, with the color bold and true throughout...the colors not of anything that could be captured by crayola or pantone...colors made up of dreams and prayers and wishes and a thousand wonderful giggles from heaven...you'd see the crows linng the trees, their caws silenced in reverence...and amazingly the bands repeated time, time, and yet again...if only i could show you...but i think i just did.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

your words are always a paint brush. But for another time email your self the picture from your cell phone. The picture I will be on your computer and you can then post it. I do this all the time and I do not have internet access on my phone.