a Tiny description

a full time artist, stepmother, radio personality, and mom to an energetic Chug dog, tries to get through the days without committing a felonious act. My life is a rickety Zen circus.


Sunday, September 30, 2007


i'm trying to adjust the font size...apparently when i see it on my monitor it looks just fine - however, my monitor is adjusted to the "braille" setting for my old eyes. so i'm hoping this will be the ticket! Last winter, my neighbor & I each watched the DVD of "The Secret" which made sense sometimes, and was a real leap in other parts. so I decided there only one way to find out if it was true-put it to the test. (for those of you who haven't seen/heard of it, the Secret follows basically the "name it and claim it" rule of thumb...if you believe you will have it, the Universe will bring it). So i said "I want $6M and my dream house by the end of the year." and i was VERY specific...the 6mil would be after taxes, after my husband's ex took her cut, after everyTHING and everyBODY finished horsing with MY money. i also have the house designed. okee dokey. now we wait. since, according to part of the DVD, you only need faith the size of a mustard seed in order to invoke this divine intervention into your life, i feel comfortable in the fact that Other Linda is standing to the side with her arms crossed, cigarette in her mouth going, "Good Christ! What have you fallen for now??" mustard seed...mustard seed. so then i thought, "hunh. end of the year? i won't make it. how about end of the summer?" the universe is big enough, eh? well, the nights are getting colder and Other Linda is shaking her head with a smirk on her face. but still - the ORIGINAL contract was for end of ther year, so i'll wait. this dream house - oy! to see it would just kill you. it's actually a compound, of sorts. not to get all cult-like on you. but it's a sort of respite house/art center. with huge studio/workshop rooms...al adirondack style in the main house...guest rooms o' plenty...a housekeeping fairy...a yard fairy...and of course, snow removal fairies, etc. koi ponds, huge fenced yard for diva, a stream running through the back, the whole shebang. i have seen this house in dreams for years now, and can draw it (in my own fashion) down to the last coffee mug. (actually, that's no exaggeration about the mugs, as i experienced quite the Coffee Mug Debacle last winter, but we've moved on. safe place safe place.) so anyway, maybe if you all would just close your eyes really really tight, and send some positive energy my way, we can ALL enjoy KitaBear Respite House by new years. barring a universal miracle, send me money. (just kidding). speaking of the Coffee Mug Debacle Which Is Not To Be Spoken Of, did i ever mention that i found one of my precious lovelies at the Salvation Army across from where i worked? it was my Cafe Du Monde mug, priced at under a dollar. i brought it home and put it back in its rightful place...tag intact. not another word. so i'm keeping this short because i'm not sure if the font thing worked, and also, my glue is dry....time to paint!! i'll try to get some usable pictures of this shrine....it just takes my breath away. yeah, i guess there is some universe miracle stuff going on - every time i stand in my studio, i'm amazed at what joins me at the end of the day. now....are you concentrating?? i can't feeel it! okay - better. L

1 comment:

Ricë said...

hooray! eye-pleasing font! thank you, thank you!