a Tiny description

a full time artist, stepmother, radio personality, and mom to an energetic Chug dog, tries to get through the days without committing a felonious act. My life is a rickety Zen circus.


Thursday, June 02, 2011

as the wind blows hard another day, i began list #4. yes, i am a list-maker. compulsively. even more so since menopause blew through my body and snagged some brain cells that still had some shelf-life to them. in times of stress, i make lists. in times of excitement, i make lists. and now, i make lists of everything i'm likely to forget. everything in general. a quick trip to the grocery store for dog food is likely to have me returning home with a magazine, forgetting the grocery store entirely til i see diva's little fur face. my list making goes into high gear for Events Out Of The Ordinary - vacations, workshops, yes - and art fairs. like the one on saturday & sunday. i am most grateful that Elizabeth has been generous to share her booth with me. most grateful. on many levels. 1st, that she has been this generous. 2nd, that she has done this before, so she knows what to expect and what to bring. i would never have thought to bring bottled water, or a power strip. or lunch. yet one of my lists has 3 different types of pins on it. it isn't that i freak out. quite the contrary. i get so excited for List Events that the list-making itself is a way to quiet that over-anticipation...sort of like living a little bit of it, so i don't explode. it's like telling the kids they're going to Disney - waaaay before the trip. so every day is focused on getting to Disney. yes. that's me. my original list has the broad outline of what needs to occur, which is then broken down by day in a logical manner. there is bump time built in, in case i run long on a task, or just plain don't feel like doing anything that day. as each day ends, if there is a task not completed, it moves to the next day's list. mid-way to D-Day, i re-assess and see if i need to add/subtract from the list, and if i'm tracking good for time. this all sounds very strict and OCD, but it is how i get things done. if there are no List Making Events on the horizon, i just go with the flow. yes, i flow. so tomorrow is set up day. i have most things packed and ready to go. except 100 necklaces and their displays. pretty much the reason for going, wouldn't you say? to sell these necklaces? yep. the display will get finished, no matter what. but it was the task that overwhelmed me so much that i kept moving it to the next day. and broke my own rule. and now, there really is no next day. so perhaps it was all meant to be done today, so i didn't get caught up in the minutiae of it all, as i am wont to do. and although i feel some minor and fleeting twinges of panic, i know it will be okay. i hope it will be okay. it will be okay. throughout this, i've learned to say "yes" to help...from the incredible Ms. Szozda offering bags and T-Pins and all manner of advice and assistance, to Reg cutting foam core, and husband cutting even more foam core. i've learned that a good nap resolves almost everything, and whatever doesn't get fixed by a nap is probably not going to get fixed. i've learned not to squander my time, and use every minute with a grateful heart and acknowledging it's gift. i've learned that my diva's love and need for me is in direct proportion to the amount of time she has me in her day. at this point, she is pretty much attached to my ankle. awkward socks. i have also learned, again, when to depend on others, and when not to. and the difference between Depending on someone, and accepting their assistance. (too long a story even for me). i've learned how much i love the smell of the Delavan's hallways, and the sound the smooth wood makes under my shoes and the mysterious doors hiding wonderful creations. i think if i had a studio there, i'd have a dance party every friday evening. crank up some retro disco, grab a nice box of wine, (i know), some platform shoes, and do the hustle. just for 2 hours. then go create. shoo. everyone out. okay, maybe longer. i'm waiting for husband to cut more foam core, so i'm really not procrastinating here. but should go nudge him. have a dreamy day...........

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