a Tiny description

a full time artist, stepmother, radio personality, and mom to an energetic Chug dog, tries to get through the days without committing a felonious act. My life is a rickety Zen circus.


Friday, January 02, 2009

12 steps over the line, sweet jesus

it's true...i am so addicted to my IPod. i can't go anywhere without it, sneaking even a single ear thingie in whenever i can...imagine, if you will, what my brain must think: right ear hears: "And i refuse to pay for this dental work i refuse to pay you sons of bitches"... but meanwhile, the left ear hears: "o little bird I want to sing like you..." So yes, that does explain a lot. and raise your hand if you've looked at your songlist, or even list of artists, and gone..."Hunh??" like do i really have Mary J Blige in with Britney Spears with Cat Empire with Jimi Hendrix with David Newman and on. i make no apologies to anyone for my musical tastes. in defense, i will say the Spears "Womanizer" cut is an excellent aerobic selection, and Mary J's Work It, well if i have to explain it, you've never heard it. a little old school - Sugar Hill Gang, and on. i'm a nut with the ITunes store. and i realized how much i missed music. i used to have it on around me constantly. lately, not so much. not sure why. but who cares now that i'm Pod Queen. an ITunes gift card sends shivers down my spine. oy. ******* so 3-5 inches of snow...HA...i laugh. (channeling Grandma Lana - )today i make husband to snowshoe. it's a good time to get him to go, since we've been in a cold war for days now, and have just reached a tentative peace. i refuse to side trip down that dead end road right now because i'm feeling downright chipper and perky with the promise of snow games. while i'm out, you just go ahead and pee in my Cheerios, but i have a whole new 'tude toward winter since i'm able to play in it. i'd still rather it went elsewhere, but as long as it's here, i'm dealing. and it has helped a whole cartload with the whole Seasonal Attitudenal Disorder. so far, depression has stayed at my garden gate and not ventured up the path...HA! i've learned not to be so cocky as to say i have slain the dragon, but i think i may have poked out an eye. (just picturing a dragon with a pirate eye patch now & snickering. hmm...maybe aNOTHER tattoo....). so back to my point & ramble...i guess if i wouldn't have had 2 hard plastic music barfers jammed in my ears, i would have had ALL senses working and HEARD divadog barking frantically and fairly hysterical with the thought of all the trouble the kitties would be in when mom came downstairs...no, i had to wait for other senses to engage. now i ask you...quick - can you name something more hideous than 4-legged bi-directional explosive diarhea? i'll give ya a moment, but i'll tell you, no, no there isn't. now, i'm not really bonded with these cats. i like them...i'm happy to give them food & shelter...but honestly? when they lay across my face in the morning i don't find it cute...and when they run in front of me down the stairs then ...stop...for no reason...3 steps from the bottom and i have to perform a vertical leap, frogging my legs up like a mad skateboarder on a half-pipe from hell, adding then a half twist over the cat, down 3 steps and over a rail thingie...in heels...with hot coffee in a mug...hoping the cat doesn't now move to the bottom of the stairs where i will have wasted my best Beijing moves and land solidly crushing the kitty under my immesity...then right then - i do not feel bonded with kitty. not so much. or in any way. now. there's the issue of the cleanup. (we're back to the kung fu poo) let me remind you - i do not have children. and this is one of the many, many reasons. i can recall being in line at a grocery store behind a mom with a diaper clad youngster who was making the cutest breath-holding faces at me. and you know, i'm not sure just how much those diapers were meant to hold, but it was clearly over it's load limit pardon the pun. i wanted to leave my cart right there at the checkout and run, with the full confidence that i would never NEVER i tell you ever eat again. oozing down the leg. clearly i got over that, eating-wise, but it made my womb QUAKE with the thought that that woman could have turned around and i would see...gasp...myself. shit where was i ...oh yeah - shit. so now i have a laundry room full of poo, and a cat sort of slinking away. not as in skulking-slinking. more like a Right Said Fred slink. i think he even stopped to adjust his kitty earbuds, snapped his paws, and sang "on the catwalk yeah, i shake my tush on the catwalk." i am endlessly distraught. i need some happy music in my ears. stand by. oy. better. husband has a big mess here to clean up. now calmer, i figured that since the cats once belonged to his daughter, then by law they are now actually HIS, and as such, so is the mess. whew. that was a close call. can't argue with logic. on the catwalk. L.

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