a Tiny description

a full time artist, stepmother, radio personality, and mom to an energetic Chug dog, tries to get through the days without committing a felonious act. My life is a rickety Zen circus.


Wednesday, August 10, 2011

back to my routine. it feels good. i am planning at least 3 uninterrupted days of work, and have so many necklaces to make and send out to their forever homes. i know that sounds dorky, but while i'm working on them, a conversation takes place between myself and the sparkly gemstones, turquoise, sterling, copper, and other materials. i almost hate to see them go sometimes, thinking i'll make a duplicate for myself. but it never happens. ah well. today's thoughts rumbling around include a bursting gratitude for this life of mine...waking, sleeping, eating when my body tells me to, and not having to run by a timeclock. it was like forcing 10 pounds of stuff into a 5 pound bag. i'm just not built that way. and when the newness of a job wore off, and the excitement of it all dimmed, my body revolted and told me so. i am feeling healthier than i have in a long while, and that is certainly something to be grateful for. i'm feeling a need to reach out a bit more to people who need a little boost. not sure where that will take me, but it's buzzing around in a way that says something definite will be coming. i'm also noodling back and forth about a studio away from the house. mostly not inclined to spend the money or time away from diva, but the picture of last spring Big Girl Studio Extravaganza keeps coming into my mind. and exactly why haven't i deleted those pictures of that big empty room? so, laundry is almost done...1 necklace is done and 1 designed, waiting for creation...diva is snoring at my feet...kitten is camped out by the sliding glass door, avidly watching the cardinals...the aroma of coffee is calling me from my turquoise handmade mug...time to get back to work! wishing you a peaceful day with great bursts of joy.....

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