a Tiny description

a full time artist, stepmother, radio personality, and mom to an energetic Chug dog, tries to get through the days without committing a felonious act. My life is a rickety Zen circus.


Sunday, March 13, 2011

it is beautiful and wonderful and just amazing...how Caroline hung the show is just a wonder to me. if you look real carefully you'll notice some color patterns within the gallery. sneaky. so - friday night was the opening reception, and i always worry that no one will show up. especially since this weekend is the Big East tournament, the St. Patrick's day parade, and last but not least the Monster Truck competition. i bite my tongue. but - it was fabulous. the place would pack out, then ease up throughout the night. i am so thrilled that so many of my workmates came, and brought their families. one husband said he wouldn't miss it, after all the stories he's heard about me. say wha? but it was all goodness. sales were good for an opening night, and it was such a great feeling to do this with Elizabeth. her felted work is luscious, i tell you, just tasty goodness. AND has a huge picture on pg 18 of the STARS magazine today...go elizabeth! she is an amazing artist, and an incredible person. she needs a clone. the other artist featured in the show is Lynette Blake...her work makes you stand there slackjawed and drooling. you see something new every minute. she is someone who becomes a friend easily and truly. The amazing renegade seamstress herself, Helen Carter from Secret Lentil came down from her shop/studio to see the show (i was wearing one of her dresses). (love her clothes..."protective gear for your internal revolution). I just read this back and gawd it sounds like some 2D society page report. feh. here's why: i am exhausted. the schedule, as you may recall, was up at 4am friday after a teensy bit of sleep thursday due to a barking dog/monster under the bed issue. work till 4pm, then go to the reception. silly me forgot about the dinner portion iof the day, and really need to eat constantly for blood sugar issues. had some wine instead - it's a fruit, right? got myself home, and figured i'd be walking on my hands for a few days - who invented high heels?? up at 4am saturday to go in for a few hours of not-really-mandatory-but strongly-suggested-you-be-there work at the Big Girl job. new boss shows up late with the breakfast pizza that i was countinng on to Be There when i got to work, and thus avoid another blood sugar meltdown get the scissors away from her incident. it arrived, i ate, and realized how hungover i felt just from being tired and from smiling so much the night before like reverse botox. was scheduled till 11:45, but left at 11, as i remembered the parade traffic. ended up driving all the way to Dewitt, turning around, and attacking the highway through a different route. success. a day at the gallery ends in hysteria - caroline and i go to check out the Free Pile, and find some sort of speaker or radio or machine of some sort, and the manic glee in that girl as she snipped away parts and pieces for me - well, it was worth having to hold back the crowd that gathered to watch! husband spent the day knee deep in hops and cleaning out a room that will Very Soon become his new office. i am happy for him, really really happy. because that means i also get the whole Big Room! I make dinner somehow, and realize i left some of my metal booty at the gallery, bummer. snuggle on the couch around 7-ish. then it is 2am. then it is 7am. so that, my friends, is why this post sounds so cheesy. it will likely take me a few more days to fully process and recover. i was handed an incredible opportunity at the show, which will necessitate big courage of the leaping variety, and i am crazy ready for it! so my apologies for the flatline of a post. i will makke it up to you with pictures very soon, 'kay? now go fix your clocks.

1 comment:

Kim Mailhot said...

Congrats !!! So happy and excited for you. Bask in it, Gorgeous One.