a Tiny description

a full time artist, stepmother, radio personality, and mom to an energetic Chug dog, tries to get through the days without committing a felonious act. My life is a rickety Zen circus.


Thursday, March 17, 2011

is it just me, or the full moon, or what? the world wide web is painfully slow tonight. an hour to log onto etsy to buy some beautiful bundles ...shhhh! one's a gift. anyway, i am tired, it's late, but i wanted to check in and say that i am blessed to have the most incredible PSD. i love her like i never knew i could. and i wish for her every perfect dream come true, though not every wish. wishes seem to get me in trouble, so i'll assume it does the same favor for others. i made it in to work today, but spent my 8 hours disturbing other people's day and napping a lot. i just didn't feel it today. so this weekend is the start of the Big Move - husband's desk downstairs and my studio to myself Whoo Hoo! i celebrated by buying some Big Ass Canvases...so big they scare me. on sale! so off to rub some puppy tummy. i promise more soon. i have some awesome little videos but can't get them from my droid to the blog. suggestions welcome. please go see the show - it's amazing. Elizabeth Moldenhauer is a felting diva, i tell you! i drool.

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