a Tiny description

a full time artist, stepmother, radio personality, and mom to an energetic Chug dog, tries to get through the days without committing a felonious act. My life is a rickety Zen circus.


Monday, July 30, 2012

post #3 - digging it

digging it out, that is.  I have a MONUMENTAL amount of very high quality papers - a 30lb tub of them...these came from a letterpress company that had a loading dock full of leftover bits and pieces and boxes of overruns or something...some cream colored, some are very cool envelope liners (never glued into envelopes)...some are heavy cardboard-y and some are just thick paper-ish, some are onionskin... all widths & lengths.  I'm closing my eyes and boxing them up, and out they go to whomever wants them...I'll do little-bit-bigger than VHS-size boxes crammed for $10 (or $17.95 Canada/Mexico).  It's church bazaar/grab bag style...I can't take special orders for color or style, or i'll never ever finish this, but i will make sure everyone gets some cool stuff.  you don't think i'd have any UN-cool stuff, do you??  I would keep this, but y'all, just HOW MUCH paper can a person use in a lifetime?? and i assure you, i will still have enough to cover the state.  so leave me a comment with your contact info, and i'll hook you up.  (your comment won't publish unless i tell it to, and i promise not to publish your contact info). i don't have paypal, so i'll take a check or any credit card.  hurry hurry step right up.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I want a box!!