a Tiny description

a full time artist, stepmother, radio personality, and mom to an energetic Chug dog, tries to get through the days without committing a felonious act. My life is a rickety Zen circus.


Thursday, November 18, 2010

Dear God

What did I ever do?? it must have been tasty good. I cannot believe all the fluffy goodness crashing down on me. i just cannot believe it. (insert "unworthiness" rant here). my cube mates think i've lost the plot...tears (of gratitude) spurting out at random moments. to give you an idea - i was just gifted GIFTED free of charge nada dollars (deep breath) an Epson 2200 large format printer that is made for making archival art prints. pause. rewind. repeat. yes. yes. yes. so the chain of events is as follows: i decide to stay home last september. i (of course) change my mind and go to Squam. a class i signed up for is cancelled, and i take another class that i'm certain will bedevil me. it cracks open (my intention was to crack open) a fault line in my soul which spews forth collage after collage after collage. i decide to make prints for sale at the gallery, right around the same time my jewelry starts to sell. i find more than a few people who will scan and/or photograph my originals, and have a last minute entry into the list who quotes me an unheard of price (I wouldn't do it for this price) and AND throws in the printer of my dreams. all i need is the driver & software, so i'm hoping God will continue to smile on me and i'll be able to download it from the website. please please. so by monday, with much hard work and late hours, i should have some prints to hand to the lovely & incredible Caroline Szozda, mistress extraordinaire of Szozda Gallery. this will involve getting up at 4am tomorrow and racing through rush hour traffic to get from the far western reaches of the county to the downtown area, then the farthest eastern reaches, then lunch rush to the middle and back east. the hokey pokey. thank goodness i didn't get killed by that spider before i tanked up the other night. thank goodness my mother heard me all wound up for flight on the phone and decided to keep the diva dog 1 more night (where she is knee-deep in spoilage and chicken for all meals). Now, if this were the only whiptastic event on tap, i'd be thrilled beyond printable known words, but NO. there is oh so much more. so i guess it's a happy-face-on-the-calendar day. and the fact that my bosses heard our cries for help AND are hiring MORE PEOPLE to help...frost my cake now because i'm ready to chow...so good. right now i have about 30 minutes to finish a few touch-ups on a collage...husband comes home from his trip to NC tonight. i will blow a little blessing your way...watch for it.

1 comment:

Kim Mailhot said...

Have that cake, eat it too, diving ing and savoring every little crumb !
Yay !
Love ya !