a Tiny description

a full time artist, stepmother, radio personality, and mom to an energetic Chug dog, tries to get through the days without committing a felonious act. My life is a rickety Zen circus.


Thursday, March 15, 2012

Tshirt my husband brought back from the Spy Museum in DC.
ack! so much going on, and lingering crud still nipping at my heels. plus, the quit-smoking thing, plus a solo show to finish work for (1 month away), plus the cemetery project, plus applying for grants, plus....oy vey. but it's all good. just a lot of it at once. well, mostly all good. the crud part i can live without. sometimes it's easier said than done to "put something behind you" and get on with it. sometimes you need to be heard. and sometimes you have to balance the need to be heard against potentially hurting someone who may have deeply hurt you unintentionally. sometimes i just ramble when i get tired - like now. so time to add another coat of gesso to cover the World's Ugliest Painting, and get some sleep.
if only there was a gesso made for life.


Kim Mailhot said...

Gesso for life... Love that idea. We could pretend?

I hope the energy and enjoyment you get from the good, out weighs the crud by a few tons.
Deep breaths and hugs, Beautiful!

Kim Mailhot said...

Gesso for life... Love that idea. We could pretend?

I hope the energy and enjoyment you get from the good, out weighs the crud by a few tons.
Deep breaths and hugs, Beautiful!