a Tiny description

a full time artist, stepmother, radio personality, and mom to an energetic Chug dog, tries to get through the days without committing a felonious act. My life is a rickety Zen circus.


Saturday, May 15, 2010

crack monkey

a few posts ago, i told you about this....sorry - call me shallow or whatever, but i start each morning clicking refresh like a crack monkey in a lab...I could never spend enough time with you...that color really brings out your eyes...Makes me blush like a prom date. i'm still humble though. Another bonfire on the cul-de-sac last night...i found these gi-normous marshmallows that are vanilla & strawberry flavored. despite my No Sugar rule, i had to try one. yummy, addicting, and totally sickening. the kids loved them! that much sweet, sticky goodness in one sitting is just waaay over the top for me. a friend of one of our neighbors stopped over. a very interesting guy. he was just finishing his training for JetBlue on 9/11. he was across the water from the event, and saw it unfold. he said Jetblue management grabbed them and handed them credit cards, with the task to find and help any/all people they could. he immediately booked the entire hotel where they were, began ordering baby supplies and hygiene items and all manner of basics. then went out to find & help people. now that is a corporate philosophy/response i can dig. he continued on, and it seems he was at, or just left the area of, many other disaster scenes. i moved slightly away from him. but vowed to fly jetblue whenever possible. well, off to Dr Eva. this is Diva's first ride in my new car...i'm hoping her little nails don't go through the seat. have a beautiful day!

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