a Tiny description

a full time artist, stepmother, radio personality, and mom to an energetic Chug dog, tries to get through the days without committing a felonious act. My life is a rickety Zen circus.


Thursday, April 01, 2010

yess yesss i know...no post in a while...i've been spending some time with the stepper while she's home from college on one of their many breaks. (are we getting our money's worth??) anyway...i'm also working furiously on a few projects, which combined with the planned paint-o-rama this weekend (interior house painting, not beret-and-smock painting) promises to melt me down. yesss yesss i know...the usual all-or-nothing. i'll take it! each state of being has it's challenges, but honestly, wouldn't you rather be griping about too many choices on the menu? so I'll prioritize and time-slot everything, and the most urgent things will make themselves clear. like right now - shower and walkie time...one for me and one for Diva, who is suffering re-entry after spending the night at Camp Grandma...where there is endless buffets of chicken and hamburg and cheese for any doggie who turns their nose up at **gasp** dog food. i get the after effects, the fallout, if you will, with the disdainful looks and diarrhea. how i lived to adulthood remains a mystery. this weekend will demand pictures, as there is no possible way for a Project to become completed with drama and disaster in our house. (recall the thanksgiving with plugged sinks as an example).

1 comment:

Kim Mailhot said...

can't wait to see the photos!

Looking for some big swooping energy to come and lift me into some similar action phase...hasn't arrived yet. maybe with the sunshine they predict for the weekend?

Happy walking...