a Tiny description

a full time artist, stepmother, radio personality, and mom to an energetic Chug dog, tries to get through the days without committing a felonious act. My life is a rickety Zen circus.


Tuesday, February 10, 2009

oh - one more thing

i just read a post on Jane Wynn's blog that really hit home. it's at least a 3-Kleenex post, so be warned. it's about a man who had no one, or so he thought. and maybe so. but my point is this: i am probably the most constant communicator that you will ever meet. and the reason why is this...no one i know, under my watch, will ever doubt that there is SOMEone out there they can call. at 6am. or midnight. or 3am. (but it better be good at that hour). i will call you with no particular train of thought or purpose, just to touch base. i will email you just to let you know someone is thinking of you and wanted to say hi. it may tire you. it may annoy you. but you will never doubt that at least ONE person knows you are alive. and cares. and i apologize if it does tire and annoy you, and hopefully the day will never be yours that tells you "no one cares." but someone does. i do. i call my mother every morning at 8am, while i'm heading into work. she adores this. neither of us has anything resembling coversation, and the call may only last a minute. but it lets her know i am thinking of her. sometimes we get busy and think "i should call so-and-so" and don't....life is hectic. maybe that was the Moment they most needed to hear from someone. maybe not. but i am not taking the chance. so pre-apologies for interminable emails, and perhaps random calls. but know that i am just trying to remind you that you are so very special to me, and i care. and if you need me to listen at midnight EST or 6am, do not hesitate to call. don't worry that you'll wake someone up. you probably will and that's okay. truly. the phone is on my side of the bed for a reason. L.

1 comment:

Spiral Bettie said...

another reason I love you...