a Tiny description

a full time artist, stepmother, radio personality, and mom to an energetic Chug dog, tries to get through the days without committing a felonious act. My life is a rickety Zen circus.


Wednesday, February 25, 2009

okay, so far today..i've had my moments of insight, taken them to the worktable with me to cogitate while actually making art. i undid everything i had done previously...bashing and chipping away at cement and Liquid Nails and rocks and glass. a few of the ricocheting pieces looked interesting when seperated from the front of the assemblage, and ended up getting re-attached with their smooge of cement still clinging on for dear life. now, i'm waiting for glue and cement to dry again. so i'll entertain you with some thoughts. sparklier than the last post. a while back, Swirly began reading and referencing May Sarton in her blog. intrigued, i ordered Journal Of A Solitude. i already had a dusty copy of At Seventy somewhere in my mess. from the 1st lines, it just pulls you in...i hear my mind saying, "yes! me too!" at different points. so not to be a copycat, here's one for you (actually for me...i'll share though): "I have made an open place, a place for meditation. What if I cannot find myself inside it?" and i thought...oh yeah, that's me. Sarton talks about pushing away the lives and needs of others before she can bring any frshness and zest into her work. double yes. that is exactly what has been going on here. there are so many things grabbing my ankles for attention...some necessary, some optional, some with 4 paws. even now as i write this, i have a cat jammed up against my right side trying to get my attention, and a diva dog on the left grabbing my wrist and pulling...she's got that flesh-ripping claw in there and won't be denied. it is rare that i get time alone....really alone....with nothing but emptiness in the "gotta" and "should" columns. i will do my best to cram everything in during the "free" time i have, but i think it will cause a great shift in what is essential. so....here goes. i urge you to read Sarton. Swirly is never wrong about these things *wink* L.

1 comment:

Swirly said...

Well I appreciate the credit, but all I did was send you to the real genius, Ms. Sarton. Oh I love her so.