a Tiny description

a full time artist, stepmother, radio personality, and mom to an energetic Chug dog, tries to get through the days without committing a felonious act. My life is a rickety Zen circus.


Wednesday, February 18, 2009

my crows and hawks have taught me so much...today, Diva and I were on a walk through the Beechwoods...had just gone through the echo echo tunnel and around the first bend towards the little beaver pond...i glanced to the right, and just across the small stream - coyote. adrenaline. second look. incredible. the remnants of a fallen tree stump that looked Exactly like a coyote, coloring and all...well that served to wake me up a bit and sharpen my senses...that's when i heard the crow ruckus. crows are a funny lot...just as content to perch on a limb alone, watchful, as they are in their group...some Native American legends teach that the Crow is the Messenger - bringing messages from those who have passed, and delivering our messages. When you heard a group of crows all cawing and agitated, the only message they are sending is : GO AWAY! usually a hawk is in the area. or an interloping crow. and that's what the coyote/tree alerted me to on my walk...crowtalk. which got me thinking about crows, and how they interact and cooperate. in times of danger. in times of trouble. crows will fly in from all over, screeching and cawing the whole way. letting everyone know, the ranks are growing...i'm here to help. because, to help a neighboring bird will only help yourself, ultimately. right? so, let's switch to humans...if you've spent 5 or more minutes listening to the news, you realize that times are getting tight for a lot of people. there are two ways to weather the storm, i think...one is deny it - rearrange the deck furniture on the Titanic. and though this may work for YOU, it does little for those around you that may need you. the second way - live like the Crow. be alert for times when your neighbor may need you...maybe ask if they need you to pick something up at the store for them...maybe just go for a walk together...sometimes just that human contact is enough of a sigh-maker, a relief...someone else is out there! so the message of the Crow today was: gather and be community. be help. be family. (and in case you were wondering...yes, it was my hawk that they were unhappy with! naturally.) namaste y'all. L.

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