Did i mention I bought a Powerball ticket? and that we also played at work? did i mention that? well, no matter - i didn't win. but, yeah, i kinda did - see, in an off moment from time-to-time (not full time daydreaming) but once in a wispy moment, like just before the sandman comes tip toeing up the bridge of your nose and dusts your eyes with sweet dreams and snores…at those times, i thought about what i would do if i won. and so i became a winner. in a different sense. no cash value - so don't start calling. i won because i was able to refine my priorities, my wants, my needs, my goals and my wildest dreams. the Big What Ifs took form. and since there was no cash value attached, when all was said and done, i am now able to set my foot in the direction of some of those dreams. modified, of course. but no doubt as heartfelt. And i realized that it doesn't need to be This OR That - it can be both. Or all. I didn't have to put things on hold while I accomplished one personal goal…it could be about working toward that goal (education) AND getting some Magic done elsewhere down the street.
so as last year ended with gratitude for things lost, this year begins with gratitude for things never gotten in the first place!
i still have the goals and directions, but without all the entangling tax headaches! Adventure On, as my friend Wendy Ellertson says, Adventure On!
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