a Tiny description

a full time artist, stepmother, radio personality, and mom to an energetic Chug dog, tries to get through the days without committing a felonious act. My life is a rickety Zen circus.


Thursday, February 16, 2012

the puppy-ear saga continues...poor thing...i try to tell her she looks beautiful, but she knows i am lying lying lying. the shaved ear is just not pretty. i'd post a picture, but really - who needs to see that? getting the capsules into her is a an exercise in futility...i use pill pockets, and have to watch her chew them - invariably, the pocket is eaten, and the now-slimy pill is sitting on the floor. all nice and neat. or not, if the capsule breaks and the powder goes all over. then we have the drops. 6 in each ear. who makes this stuff up?? can they make 1 powerful drop?? i try to sneak up on her...i try to show her i'm going to do it...neither way works. she gets that little lip curled up and goes into kujo mode. i may need an antibiotic before this is done. oh, and then THEN there's the cream. ah yes. this stuff smells worse than garbage. sort of a sulfur-y smell, and she clearly does. not. like. it. She's always been nuts about her ears, so of course this is an ear thing. not sure why she keeps getting yeast infections in her ears, but this is the 3rd one. so by the time i hit the studio, i need a shower, and she is fit to be tied. of course, bulimia cat gets all helpful during this process, and that torques diva out even more. then kitten gets upset and - you guessed it - barfs all over. who knew working from home would be this complicated? luckily, diva is a late sleeper, so i can get some coffee in me and some work done before she rises & shines. all night long i hear jingle jingle, and think "SANTA!" but no, it's just diva's tags rattling when she shakes her head. she does it intentionally (when she isn't sick) to let me know she has to go out. like i am her servant - ring the bell, and the person will come running. and despite all this, i do love her so much. so enough of this - time to paint! wishing you a day with all the bells and whistles!

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