a Tiny description

a full time artist, stepmother, radio personality, and mom to an energetic Chug dog, tries to get through the days without committing a felonious act. My life is a rickety Zen circus.


Tuesday, August 03, 2010

i'm stumbling back somewhat. all month, there's been a hawk in a tree by my daily picnic spot...screeching and carrying on....i wasn't sure if it was a distress call or a territorial thing, and a few weeks ago, it would be joined by another hawk. but the last two have been lonesome for the hawk...up in the same tree, calling ...4 Reeee Reeee Reeeeeee Reeeeeeee's with the accent on the last one. I got some guidance the other day from Mother Nature herself...the very best friend a wounded wild animal can have (and a pretty darn good human friend too!), Jean the wildlife rehabber. she said "no worries" ... after the young ones fledge (get booted from the nest) they often stick around waiting for a free meal. it sometimes takes weeks for them to realize they are on their own. actually, mom is nearby keeping an eye out, just in case, but they have all the knowledge and equipment to fend for themselves. they just prefer delivery service. i named him Hawklette and send encouraging vibes to get out there and get a mousey. tomorrow i will remember my camera & binoculars. isn't it funny how animal babes and human babes have so much in common? hmmmm. short & sweet tonight...still coughing to beat the band. hopefully maintenance shows up tomorrow to clean the vents at work that are spewing the fine dust particles into everyone's lungs. and the fuzzy yukky lump of god-knows-what that landed on a desk today. i feel like i've been sanding without a mask. more Big News soon....

1 comment:

Kim Mailhot said...

Oh, love your Hawklette story ! What a gift ! I am glad you are feeling a little better. Is there any chance of getting one of those air purifiers in your office too. Maybe that would help. Cheaper than paying for sick leave !!!!;)
Thanks for your sweet visit today. It was fun to see your name on the blog. Big Hugs, My Friend !