a Tiny description

a full time artist, stepmother, radio personality, and mom to an energetic Chug dog, tries to get through the days without committing a felonious act. My life is a rickety Zen circus.


Monday, August 09, 2010

i am so incredibly blessed. when i count my blessings, i need an abacus and a calculator and more than ten fingers and ten toes. just exactly when i need wise words, i am suddenly surrounded by women with just the right thing to say...just the piece to the puzzle to stand me up and dust me off and nudge me on the path again. and the craziest part is, it'll be some random little moment in a random phone call, when this seemingly tiny kernel of something zips innocently through the conversation like winnie the pooh dangling from a kite string in a high breeze...just like that a seemingly ordinary word or phrase is suddenly wham large and smiling like a cheshire cat because this word or series of words knows...it just knows...that it is bombastically important and that soon my brain will screech the brakes on and go...HUNH?!? and realize that Big Work was just done deep deep in my soul and spirit yes that one word or series of words did just that...and soon it all made sense again and the clouds shushhed away and way was again clear and the villagers all danced...oh wait - too much? but truly i am humbled that God who is very busy or the universe or whomever you believe is directing things ...that they would take notice of ME and send the most incredible women to be my guides, even as i feel direction from the women in my life who have gone on ahead and watch for me to make them proud in ways i suspect will amaze even myself. the password is courage.

1 comment:

Kim Mailhot said...

here's to finding it, having it and using it...
Much love, Brave Seeker Woman, much Love !