a Tiny description

a full time artist, stepmother, radio personality, and mom to an energetic Chug dog, tries to get through the days without committing a felonious act. My life is a rickety Zen circus.


Wednesday, June 16, 2010

oy vey

oy - i am sorry - it has been a very long too long time since i posted, and i miss you. it's the job. i can see where this job will try to steal my Time. but HA! i'm wise to it's trickster ways. as usual, there is a 6 person department being run by 3, so there are few moments that aren't intensely focused on the many multi-tasks at hand. and you know what? i love it. i am rediscovering the part of me that loves to organize and prioritize an impossible heap of tasks...plan the work, then work the plan, as my former boss used to say. he was a black belt - we listened. although the workload will soon be overwhelming, i suspect, (people measure their backlog in reams - when the manager asks what their such-and-such pile is, they'll say "3 reams" or whatever), and i think it will come soon, i still refuse to put work first. i will go in an hour early if needed, or spend a saturday morning once a month maybe. but the rest is mine. i am finally relaxed enough to actually think about art-making and yoga-taking again. imagine - being afraid to go to yoga lest a panic attack break out. i swear. and actually, in the literal sense - i do swear. a lot. when i'm stressed and frustrated. that combination brings out the sailor in my vocabulary (no offense to any sailors reading this. just sayin). and i haven't uttered an f-bomb at work since i started this new job. oh - once. but it was justified. but it was under my breath and very very quiet. but the area i work in is deadly quiet. so i suppose maybe a lot of people heard it, and i did apologize to the manager. but they knew what they were getting. a prankster. a joker. a smiler. someone just a little edgier than makes you comfortable, i suppose. and although it seems as though anything will pop out of my mouth, it's mostly under control and entirely almost intentional to make you smile. our CEO's name is Robert. and when asked by my manager how my training was going, and if i was understanding the gist of my new duties, i replied (perhaps a bit vehemently) "To Get Bob's Money! Hey (insert insurance carrier name)! GIVE ME BOB'S MONEY!" so that has now become the department motto: Get Bob's Money. as in - collect on all the overdue claims that we've billed out to insurance. not as in - we are stealing Bob's money. there is a particular computer program i have to use in most of my work that Does Not Work. It takes 30 minutes to be able to run 2 inquiries. all the while i (quietly) discuss with the computer how it should be ashamed at how it is Wasting Bob's Money, and it should Immediately Cough Up the Information Or Else. this apparently provides quite a bit of harmless amusement to the cube farm, and i'm always down for a chortle. anyway...diva is just tired of watching me type and has dragged CowPig out from the secret hiding spot and is staring at me with the toy's scrubbly pinkness in her mouth like the dog on that depression pill commercial, so i'm going now. hope your week is fabu! check this out.

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