a Tiny description

a full time artist, stepmother, radio personality, and mom to an energetic Chug dog, tries to get through the days without committing a felonious act. My life is a rickety Zen circus.


Friday, October 31, 2008

so the last few days, weeks, have been such a learning time...a sinking in of things already known on a certain level - a re-learning of things that have drifted away from the heart as Life drifted in and swirled around, all chaotic-like, as Life is wont to do from time to time. the Illusionists seen for what they are....the wish-they-weres seperated from the tribe...spaceclearings and gathering in...although i am a very closed person when i first meet someone, once that initial Friend Or Foe moment has passed, i tend to wear my heart on my sleeve, or at least have it peeking out of a front pocket. if you borrow it and don't take good care with it...your bad. i have a spare, but tend to not give out all-access passes. all this said, i have realized limits with some tendrils of friendships, and honestly feel they have come, and now gone, in a wistful, and relieved, conclusion...they held purpose and edification for both sides for a time...and that time has past...yet each of us still held to our end of a golden thread that was way too frayed to hold tight. i have been blessed with so many incredible women (and a few men) in my life that i count as HeartFriends...soulmates...and best of all - the favor has been returned in their feelings toward me. and those soulmates i walk side by side with, hand in hand, in step. always grateful...always grateful. so as The Rockin' Ladies of the 80's blasts in my ears thru my Diskman, i'm off to make art. wishing you friends as true and wonderful as the ones i have..........L.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

They say friends come into to your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime. It's all good. QOTU