a Tiny description

a full time artist, stepmother, radio personality, and mom to an energetic Chug dog, tries to get through the days without committing a felonious act. My life is a rickety Zen circus.


Thursday, October 03, 2013

oh shoot

now after taking a break from this place, and from my own head, i realized that there are so many wonderful things to share.  so i will.
beginning with this StoryPeople quote....

No hurt survives for long without our help, she said & then she kissed me & sent me out to play again for the rest of my life.

so true.  now go play.  and it's good to be back, friend.

1 comment:

Kim Mailhot said...

Oh, kisses on booboos feel so good when they come from our real self!

Welcome back, Shiny One!