a Tiny description

a full time artist, stepmother, radio personality, and mom to an energetic Chug dog, tries to get through the days without committing a felonious act. My life is a rickety Zen circus.


Friday, September 02, 2011

Partial Enlightenment

I received this the other day from Brian Andreas' daily email: The problem with knowing everything's going exactly as it needs to is that when you're not having that much fun it doesn't even do any good to complain. and I thought "ain't that the truth!" and went about my day smugly knowing that I was well on my way to total Trust That Things Always End Up As They Should. which seems to be the current lesson being bestowed upon me, and hasn't been too too bad of late, because i really haven't wanted anything. Except Squam. Having spent every waking moment (and those are a lot of moments, my friend, given my current no-sleep pattern) fulfilling requests for Squam necklaces, and designing & making more for the September retreat, I have a lot invested - in materials for the necklaces, as well as emotionally...it's my once a year family reunion that is as much an essential part of my life as Belgian waffles. So imagine my rising consternation/panic when every MapQuested route to get to Holderness Nh took me down roads that simply don't exist anymore, or are closed, thanks to Irene. Bitch Wind that she was. So I called OnStar, confident that they could peek down through the sky like guardian angels and direct me Turn-By-Turn, and asked if they had updates re the detours, and if so, how long a trip could this potentially be? 8 hours? 10 hours? should I book a room halfway? do i need a passport? And the oh-so-incredibly-nice girl advised me that i would have to get in my car and start driving and they could direct me as i went, which only partially answered my question, and really not that well, since that was the Basic Reason for their existence and my fee. When push came to shove, they only have the detours that are sent to them, she admit. and that leaves a hell of a lot of room for detour & disaster. Now, before i go on (and on), I am not so insensitive to realize that people lost their lives in this storm...that those who didn't, will likely have their lives dramatically changed for quite some time. i get that, and am truly compassionate about that. the thing is, my particular reality involves driving from central NY state through Vermont/Massachusetts/NH to get to the heart-safest place I know. and this morning, the thought that there's a real possibility that i just can't make it there gripped me. and believe me, my mood sunk like a rock. i set down the necklace i was working on and just about cried. now how's that for trust? so that's where i leave this pathetic story for now. if you know any good routes, please let me know...canoe & airplane are not do-able, but thanks to both people who made these suggestions at the height of my inner drama. or at least one of you. i'm off to light the candles on my pity party. cake anyone?

1 comment:

Kim Mailhot said...

You will get there. No question. What if you leave a day early, book a hotel somewhere half way and just meander your way with no pressure. Come more south first and make your way back up on the big highways ?
All is well. This will not prevent waffles and reunions, I promise !!!