a Tiny description

a full time artist, stepmother, radio personality, and mom to an energetic Chug dog, tries to get through the days without committing a felonious act. My life is a rickety Zen circus.


Monday, November 05, 2007

another rule

and the final rule of commissions...always always always get the due date in writing so that when the client insists she told you Nov 6th but you KNOW she said the 13th, you won't have to take 1/2 a day off from your already teeny work schedule to furiously sew sew sew. i must admit, the newest, and what appears to be the final, version of the Wings are good. funny, they look Exactly like the ones i WANTED to do in the first place, but was all caught up in doing something Breathtaking and Astounding. so i came home tonight in a tizzy and flurry, intent that i would power-slam dinner, and Go Sew. diva was doing her usual dinner dance by the back door...in/out/in/out...because usually when she goes out and "is a good girl" she gets a cookie when she comes in. so to drive home the point to her stupid humans that she has, ah hmm, DOG food in her bowl yuk, she'll continually scratch at the door till we tell her to go lay down fortheloveofgod. so the usual there. til she went under the table looking a little guilty. hmmm. so i ate ate ate then ran my plate to the sink and WHEEEE! slipped in a pile of doggie sick stuff. 2 piles, actually. with a side order of poo by the door. poor diva really really had needed to go out this time. i'll spare you the gagging and just know it got cleaned up. i went to sew, and she indicated she needed to go out again please and thank you, and this time i listened. out/in....with a twist - NOW she needed a bath. again, i'll spare you. is this some kind of test of my emergency stroke system? i mean, yes, looking at the bigger picture of life, this is not even on the register. but Right now, in My Reality, it is h-u-g-e. not to sound snively, whiny or shallow, but i just want to BE DONE. and the end is indeed in sight. i'm typing this with a small plastic tooth (hollow bottom) on my thumb. why? because i remembered my brilliant idea to cut a niche in the 4 poster bed post for a fairy door...a tooth fairy door. and it needed a tooth. so i grabbed one off a keychain i cadged at our Dental Convention & casino weekend, gessoed it and will paint it gold. then jam it in the niche and figure out the door part later. next lifetime, maybe. so i spent saturday at a pre-planned felting day...planned previous to this deadline. i forgot how much i loved shibori dyeing and wet felting! i forgot how incredibly exhausting it is to roll & agitate roving by hand for 4 hours. but the result....delicious! i'll post a pic as soon as i'm done with the beadwork. so all in all, little by little, this mini-meltdown has brought me back to my center, believe it or not. i am beginning to re-feel the warmth and joy of life again. even the rain outside is a wonderful sound. stay tuned.........L.

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