a Tiny description

a full time artist, stepmother, radio personality, and mom to an energetic Chug dog, tries to get through the days without committing a felonious act. My life is a rickety Zen circus.


Wednesday, October 10, 2007

let them eat cake

(**note - the picture is NOT cake. we'll get to the picture later. **) if you love cake like i love cake....check this out http://www.shetakesthecake.com/ oh my! these are something special i tell you! the baker is also a sugar artist. never heard of such a thing, but i'm sure she's never heard of Post-Traumatic Mosaic Assemblage either, so.... i didn't know you could do things like this with cake! to call it "cake" isn't right. seems so plain. but it's cake, and some of these designs are downright Very Cool. i have to meet this person. i mean, the cakes aren't weird or un-cakelike shapes (for the most part, although there are a few...) but the sheer artistry of it all is wonderful. this is a day of visual stimulation for me, i guess! my angelfriend Georgia is going on a trip to India to see sacred sights. she gave me the link to the group she's going with, and i looked through the India photos...absolutely moved to tears with the beauty of some of the temples & shrines. http://www.scottstours.com/ i guess they have different tours you can take. i just looked at the India one. if you read thru the "before you go" and "what to pack" parts, it gives an interesting glimpse of the culture & customs. very cool. although i mostly travel vicariously through other people these days, husband & i are going to St. Thomas again in february. AND he actually suggested that we extend that trip by adding on Sedona or somewhere in New Mexico. i am sooo looking forward to that. having missed Burning Man for the past 49 years, this will definately make up for my wanderlust. somehow looking at art cakes just isn't the same as experiencing the sights, smells, spirit of a place. ya think? so anyway, enough procrastinating....back to my worktable (having resolved the design issue of the decapitated babydoll head. who knew plastic melted like that when a dremel was applied? little bits of flaming plastic landing in my hair...sheesh. i'll know next time! L

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