a Tiny description

a full time artist, stepmother, radio personality, and mom to an energetic Chug dog, tries to get through the days without committing a felonious act. My life is a rickety Zen circus.


Friday, September 30, 2011

keep it real

there are certain truths that every person needs to find within themselves if they are going to succeed - whatever their definition of success is. The foundation of it all is this: What do you believe in? The answer to this question will guide & define everything you do. I unfashionably believe in God. An accessible & available God who helps & guides me, when I stop to listen for it. So I order my steps according to how I believe He would want me to behave. that keeps it real with me...my business decisions, my standards, etc., are dependable because of it. I also believe that the gift of Discernment came from God, and the ability to tap into another person's vibe (for lack of a better word) has helped push me away from some potentially bad situations, and away from people who are using their voice in a way that doesn't line up with their true purpose. that can only bring disaster down the road. I want the work of my hand to reflect my truths. which is why the past 2 weeks have been frustrating...one avenue i've been pushing towards didn't align with my Truth, but in true Me fashion, i confused that inner voice with "just some challenges to overcome" and kept putting my shoulder to the hard object, hoping to move it. well, duh. finally the object moved, but there was nothing on the other side of it. oy. so Finally i was able to see the lightbulb over my head and realize those weren't obstacles, the were dead ends. so lesson learned (again!) and moving forward with ears open. wishing you a day of living fully...with all senses engaged, and gentle & natural flow...

1 comment:

Kim Mailhot said...

I so get this. Have been working on this very thing myself this week. When I went back to what I really believe, what I really know is true, there was such a sense of relief.
Wishing you and gentle, natural flow too, my friend !