a Tiny description

a full time artist, stepmother, radio personality, and mom to an energetic Chug dog, tries to get through the days without committing a felonious act. My life is a rickety Zen circus.


Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Today: car goes to the mechanic for inspection, then .... I will be in the studio ALL day!  my head has been swirling with ideas, and my dreams filled with finished pieces, but not enough extended time to work the pieces i need to make.  notice i said "need."  these pieces will not allow me rest until they begin to see the light of day.  and that means reconfiguring a part of my studio to make room for their gi-normousness.  but i will tackle that late morning, then begin to set up some water barriers on the floor and get some rusty stuff and linen in conversation together.
Today: a Big Smile day. because a note from my west coast dudelove made my heart pitter patter and made me want to hop a plane through time zones and hug big...because the house is mine alone for a few days...because i actually found 2 pair of shorts and some capri jeans in my new post-smoking size last night...because my diva dog has tethered herself to my side, which means an uber snuggly sleep...because the Tao of Drum CD has my synapses clapping their hands and dancing...because the air - oh! the air in the early morning! i wish i could send you some of the sweet perfume that travels across the air in the morning - lilac and pansy and some unidentified tree that grows tall and releases a scent so unearthly beautiful (hummingbirds favorite haunt)...so many things to smile about today...
wishing you smiles so big they get caught in your ears.

(PS- if you haven't responded to the art show email yet, please do soon - like today!  just say yes!)

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