a Tiny description

a full time artist, stepmother, radio personality, and mom to an energetic Chug dog, tries to get through the days without committing a felonious act. My life is a rickety Zen circus.


Monday, March 12, 2012

let me back up...yesterday morning was this:

then in the afternoon, boating with Perfect Patty the wrap wench at Pirate's Cove. some freaky times, i tell you.
wonderful, relaxing time...much needed.

ok - today. It was the best day, and one one of the most emotional ones I've had in some time.

i found my father's gravesite. you may know I'm trying to put together funding/sponsorship for a mapping project for the cemetery. this has become a passionate hope of mine to be able to do this. I haven't visited my father's grave in over 30 years because I couldn't find it. records were stolen, maps were mislabeled...all manner of confusion exists. But at the heart of my intention is that I am not the only person with this problem. and even if you do know where your loved one is buried, it is not always possible to visit the gravesite. my hope is to be able to map the cemeteries and create an interactive website that is searchable by name, and will have a picture of the headstone. being able to see that on a screen right in front of you is a comfort if you aren't able to get there in person.
But I'm sidetracked.
The most important and remarkable part of my day was reconnecting with my Uncle. It's late & I'm tired, and afraid I won't do the topic justice, so I'll wait till tomorrow. but i will say it was difficult not to spend the entire visit bawling. i think i did an okay job of "casual," but my emotions were so close to the surface...looking back as an adult, I've come to realize the incredible generosity of my aunt & uncle...they opened their home to my father, mother, brother & I, and we lived there for quite some time - maybe a year or more? Two families...my cousins doubling up so we had room. how in the world did it all work without world war three? but the love between my father and his sister was so strong that it did work. I cannot imagine being asked to take in my in-laws, complete with a kindergartener, and a baby, and a mom who felt insecure and like an outsider...i know my limits, and a weekend of it maybe...but a year? I don't think my generosity would stretch that far, I'm afraid. maybe. maybe not. but it was the way it was, and the gratitude i feel for them allowing this cannot be put into words. and seeing my uncle today - still handsome as i remember - just brought it all back. so - more
tomorrow. time for bed.
hug the ones you love...

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