a Tiny description

a full time artist, stepmother, radio personality, and mom to an energetic Chug dog, tries to get through the days without committing a felonious act. My life is a rickety Zen circus.


Monday, August 08, 2011

it is my habit to begin work at 5am, and continue on until noon. during this time, before i take a lunch break, i usually stay in my bathrobe. the reason? once i'm showered & dressed, i can find a million reasons why i should go run an errand or something, and the day is then shot, creatively. so, imagine my surprise when i went to let diva out around 11am...imagine my surprise to find my husband's daughter, his exwife, and the exwife's 4-year old daughter with her new husband - all in my kitchen. diva took a moment to take it n before putting on the pit bull. now don't get me wrong - i adore all of these people. just wasn't expecting them to be in my kitchen. at 11am. so i walked diva, and we're up in the studio, with bulimia cat, making jewelry. and i had an extreme urge to play around with plaster, so quickly did this piece. real quick, before i realized i didn't know how to do plaster stuff. funny how sometimes we limit ourselves (or maybe just me) because we haven't been shown how to do something yet. for me, i think it's that i don't want to waste precious art supplies. oh - they were all in the kitchen because they're spending the day painting and refinishing furniture that Perfect stepdaughter had stored in the garage. she moves into her first apartment next week. her mom was singing the One More Week song. i'm just too curious too see what's going on, so i'll finish this post later.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love it!!