a Tiny description

a full time artist, stepmother, radio personality, and mom to an energetic Chug dog, tries to get through the days without committing a felonious act. My life is a rickety Zen circus.


Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Last summer, I had the incredible good fortune to find myself sitting by a crackling warm fieldstone fireplace, in a rustic 3-sided room with 60 or so of my new best friends. we munched popcorn and watched the documentary "Who Does She Think She Is?" and then listened to the words of an incredible woman. Jenny Doh. I've never seen her not smiling. she radiates grace, and peacefulness, and maybe just a twinkle of mischief. and she has created a universe, Crescendoh. and today, I'm am grateful and thrilled to have a few of my words and images included. scroll way down to the bottom. to be included in such incredible company is humbling. art creates such a family...such a sisterhood...and, as Jenny says - art saves. as i alluded to in my brief statement there, art saved me from the chaos of first my father, then my husband dying. years apart, but my gyroscope lost center equally (and differently) in each event. the constant: art. I am an artist because i have to be...the images and constructions fill my head and demand to be brought to life. but i am also an artist because it is what saves me. it is my release valve after a stressful day...it is a meditative act that calms and centers and renews. in 1982, i became paralyzed...woke up with a sore elbow and shoulder. 4 hours later, i was paralyzed. for 3 years. time spent working harder than i thought i was able in physical therapy. a family of physical therapists diagnosed my condition and they worked to restore my limp body and devastated spirit. i recall weekends spent in the Adirondacks at their private summer home...tentative to go near the water lest i go under with useless arms and legs refusing to pull me to the surface. it was in those days that i met Penny... and although i haven't seen her in many years, she remains my role model. but back to art. i believe there is no distinction between "art" and "craft," and wish the discussion would end. i believe that each of us has the expression of art within us...whether it manifests as cooking, painting, creating a home, or relationships...they are each creative endeavors and come from the same place in the spirit. i believe that if you grow that spark of a child within you to a warm campfire and again to a blazing bonfire, then greatness can happen. and i believe that each of us has greatness within us. it just needs to be given the time during a busy life to burst out. that's my philosophy on it all. grab a crayon and hit the walls!


Wendy Ellertson said...

Linda - What a beautiful piece of writing..and clear philosophy. Love the blazing campfire image...Spark on! Hugs,

Holly Knott said...

I, too, am weary of the "art vs craft" wars. Some say "art" is taking a white piece of paper and applying paint and making an image out of nothing and craft is taking clay and making the same bowl shape over and over. Well, a painter can make a series of images "over and over." Either way we are all taking thoughts and dreams and creativity in our minds and making something out of it. I grew weary of these wars at the coops I was part of, too much behind the scenes bickering and snootiness as to what was "real" vs "craft." Made me question myself. Done with that. Move on.