TONIGHT'S THE NIGHT!! 822 Wall St. 2nd Flr, Downtown LA...6-10pm...let me know what you think! but i can guess...you'll be tripping over yourselves thanking me for the info...
At our CORE, buried deep within the foundation of who we have come to know ourselves to be, we find our truth, our spirit and our art. Our intuition hangs honest & heavy, resting in the bellies of the bodies we were blessed with. Our spine holds our heads up high, keeps our courage close and allows us to stand up tall for all the good things we believe in. Our spirit & our light - the very force of our life - sparks somewhere softly in the middle of who we are, reaching out toward one another with longing, forever hoping to be heard.
sorry for the spotty posts...my bodyclock is trying to synch with the wall clock, and all i can think about is sleep...except at 4am! so i've been getting up at 4am, working on some really inspired art pieces, then going to work. sounds good till about 2pm when i would just commit crimes of undisclosed natures just to have a nap. so i come home and go to bed by 7pm-ish. so...once again today i was up at 4am, but will now be napping. save my place - i have a week's worth o' good stuff for ya!
I can't find a link for the Core exhibit. I'm dying to see your torso after reading your posts about how difficult it was for you and knowing how exquisite your work is.
I've been following your blog off and on since SAW and I love your deep, thoughtful and sometimes quite hilarious writing. Hope you are feeling better and getting lots of art done.
big Squam Lake hugs to you,
i'll post some pictures as soon as they're available...the only link right now is a facebook album ...send me a quick email to my regular email box and i'll hook you up! i miss your smiling face! i was just telling the husband about Havana Banana! (and the Top Banana!). definately some christmas orders coming your way from me!
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