a Tiny description

a full time artist, stepmother, radio personality, and mom to an energetic Chug dog, tries to get through the days without committing a felonious act. My life is a rickety Zen circus.


Saturday, August 30, 2008


funny how actions cause Re-actions. here i am laying on the couch all green-faced and barfy feeling from my chantix (yes, this new side effect has pretty much wiped out my enjoyment of coffee. my last addiction **sob**) anyway, laying on the couch yada yada , and stepson, youngblood, the Hated One these days, says he is proud of me for quitting smoking. i'll give you a minute to let that sink in. he Actually Noticed something that had nothing to do with him. hunh...what's he want? then decides he himself will quit his newly revealed chewing tobacco habit on monday when he goes back to school. hopefully it own't be replaced by cocaine. husband says he wishes HE could quit, and was thinking about it. so meddler on the roof that i am, i said Hey! Why don't you guys both quit as a challenge? now these two are so highly competitive it is a sickening display of testosterone at times. and they don't even realize it. 2 peas in a pod. i don't think youngblood even realizes where he got the idea to stuff a wad of loose tobacco into his face from. hmmm. dad, maybe? you know just what i needed, by the way....empty soda bottles laying around with spitoon stuff in it. no wonder i feel all sickity. i have many stories but they make me gag, so i won't foist them on you. i am about halfway through "Ordinary Sparkling Moments" by Christine Mason Miller. oohhh. so very precious. it's one of those books that you don't want to finish ever. you run your hand over the cover, and find a special spot on your special bookcase for. go to her website and order now. well the countdown to Squam can be started i suppose....although i've pretty much wished my summer away in anticipation. should i come back after? that's the question. mom will be watching Diva for me while i'm gone, so no worries there (i hope). we'll see what manner of calamity september will throw at me and decide from there.i am just craving a NYC trip. and a new mexico trip. and a sedona trip. and alaska. but mostly NYC right now. so maybe i'll do a little touring. time to lay down. L.

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