a full time artist, stepmother, radio personality, and mom to an energetic Chug dog tries to get through the days without committing a felonious act. My life is a rickety Zen circus.
a Tiny description
a full time artist, stepmother, radio personality, and mom to an energetic Chug dog, tries to get through the days without committing a felonious act. My life is a rickety Zen circus.
Monday, May 30, 2011

Thursday, May 26, 2011
things i wished i said

Thursday, May 19, 2011
Monday, May 16, 2011
addiction #237
i've developed an addiction to netflix art documentaries. there i said it. sunday i watched 3 Art City documentaries in a row (2 were good, 1 i fell asleep in the middle of), plus Herb & Dorothy(loved), The Cats of Mirikitani (very very good), Marwencol (disturbing but interesting), Jean-Michel Basquiat: The Radiant Child (good), Exit Through the Gift Shop (ok), Art & Copy (loved), The Cool School (loved), and finally, Beautiful Losers (liked). plus i re-watched Departures, one of my all-time favorite movies (Japanese with subtitles). told ya. oh - plus a podcast interview of Elizabeth Maccrellish which was wonderful wonderful, and made me homesick for her. for the record, i worked from 5am-1pm then watched movies. and made homemade chicken soup for sick husband. time is ticking for the festivals to start, and i feel like i haven't made nearly enough to sell. Strepson was in this weekend (yes - he has strep), though i barely saw him. Husband is sick today, and diva's tummy is chiming in just to be part of the crowd. i want to live in a hotel till everyone is better. of course, i may have started this immune attack, but that doesn't count.
when i first left my job, i felt like i was under a cloud of grace, where anything i put my hand to would be perfect and everything i wanted would appear. i felt like nothing could possibly fail. so i began sending entries for jurying to art shows, and just had a knowing in my heart that of course i would get in to each and every one, and soon i would be sipping cocktails with the hoidy toidy art set and fahbulously wealthy. luckily i don't sip cocktails, and wealth is not my goal. and as for hoidy toidy - seriously? do i have to rant about that? no. today i got a thanks-but letter from a show i really had wanted to be in. and funny thing, i didn't do a death spiral to a dark place, nor did i start throwing art supplies at walls yelling You Suck. (for the record, i have never thrown art supplies). i didn't feel like it took anything away from me. hunh. i was genuinely disappointed, but in an even-keel sort of way. clearly, with 1000 entries, A LOT of people got the same letter I did today. and i had to smile, because they sent along the 2 free passes to the show. i took that as a nice gesture, anyway. but i have to think there will be others who received them and are thinking "What's this supposed to mean?? So I can come see what REAL art looks like??" i intend to go and enjoy the show, and see what's being done out in the world away from my studio. each jury is different and each has their slant, no matter how they try to stay neutral. and honestly, some do not try to stay neutral. there is an annual show locally that's a pretty big deal, with entries from all over the U.S., and the jurors are anonymous. but not so much. because each year they jury themselves into the show. imagine. so that's why i don't get my leggings in a bundle. there's always something. it may be they are looking for a different style or whatever. so i guess my lesson can be yours too - don't give up and don't ever take it to heart. the jury process is based on opinion, for the most part. art is not a math equation that's either right or wrong. it's subjective. even when we look at our own art - something i did yesterday and thought i should alert the media about, may look like dung to me today. so there you have it. so even though you didn't ask, there's the long answer. as usual.
Saturday, May 14, 2011
well well well

Thursday, May 12, 2011
wherein technology leaps often stumble
in the race for newer, better, faster, my Firefox has decided it is time for an upgrade. shame on me for not discerning the difference between "upgrade" and "update," but i've been a little busy here. i. do. not. like. the. new. one. My functionality has been dissed...my auto-password-loader-thing won't work with it, rendering me into a blubbering jello brain trying to scramble and remember passwords and logins. back in the early days, we were all advised to have completely different ones for each site. that way, if the bad guys got 1, they didn't get them all. but...that advice given to a peri/current/post-menopausal woman with way too much on her plate already is a recipe for frustration & disaster. plus, i come from a time when customer service meant you called someone and they politely & fully dealt with your issue. not click here or there, only to get an error message time and time again. posting to a forum? HA! there are unresolved and ignored pleas for help on there from last year. i just want to reload the old version. that's it. nothing more. i liked how it looked and worked. i don't need bigger, better, faster. and it isn't bigger or better or faster. so i've lost an hour of work trying to find Something Somewhere with instructions or a phone number. and i guess it's not entirely about this server thing. so much head & heart stuff has been scraped up recently. and i have to say that i actually welcome it. not only the purging and setting aside, but it's been interesting to watch myself deal with the issues. no panic, depression, etc...just gentleness with myself, and listening when my heart says to get out of my head and blast some Prince. or walk the dog. oh hi dog, yes, you do need a walk from time to time, huh? so that's where i'm headed. no pun intended. i have 1 week to make 50 more necklaces. please pass the Mountain Dew & Red Bull.
speaking of animals, Kindred Kingdoms is bursting at the seams with some species...please see below. if you can help - you will have many rewards in this life and heaven.
Sunday, May 08, 2011
adopt a bear

Friday, May 06, 2011
Thursday, May 05, 2011
oops - forgot to tell you ...if you live in the Syracuse area...Saturday could be a busy day for you...the annual Radisson garage sale (if you don't live here, this sounds oh so Upstate, but it's 400+ houses all trying to outdo each other with what they consider garage sale material, and some very good buys on very nice stuff will be found) and also - Secret Lentil is selling tons and tons and tons of fabric for $1/yard. yep $1/yard. i peeked at some and wow! they're in the Delavan Center, 2nd floor.
now here's an interesting thing to watch.
so no one wants to read through a self-serving rant, right? i offer my apologies for yesterday's post. working alone in a room all day gives the mind time to wander to dusty corners if you let it - and no matter how good your psyche's super-suck vacuum is, there's always that one corner, eh? so it appears some spring cleaning is on tap, despite the 46-degree weather. old stuff getting a good shake out. what i really need is an old-fashioned Amish rug beating, i think. that one last fear to be addressed. not to say i will then be fearless...i've just made a commitment to recognizing and dealing with fear as it appears. except, apparently, this one. i can't name it - abandonment? unloveliness? ach, who cares what it is called. but the shape of it is this: if i don't call, you may not call me. or if i don't fill-in-the-blank then the effort may not be returned. not to say that my emails and calls aren't from a very good and authentic place. no no no. it's just that there are moments when i wonder if i stopped all communication outward, what would come in to me. i could say it comes from my dad being gone 4 days out of the week traveling. i could say it comes from an emotionally needy, yet emotionally absent (to us kids) mother. maybe. maybe not. the fact is that i'm waaay too old to stop in one spot, turn backwards, and start pointing fingers. because the longer you stand in that spot facing backwards, the longer you aren't moving forward. and my life is all about moving forward and drinking in the incredible scenery. so these few days have been about gentle and gracious growth. butterfly wings fluffing up the dust in that corner. and there are 2 specific people in my life (unnamed) who just bring out the lights and sirens when it comes to those issues, and the past 2 weeks i have been bombarded with their names and faces on every turn. and they are in no way connected to one another, or even live in the same state. rather than just chastise myself for thinking bad thoughts about two perfectly fabulous people, i started to dig inside a bit to see why the polar reaction. and i have no answer yet. i don't feel that i have to like everyone, and everyone has to like me. not at all. although i am a pretty cool person. it's just an uncomfortable, visceral reaction to them that gets my attention, and not in a way that makes me proud. so i will use the same quietude that gets the dust riled, to figure this out, heal my own heart from whatever may come up, and move it out of my life. dust bunnies be gone!
on a happier note....Oh. My. God. I have fallen in love with Jeremy Randall's pottery. love love love. the pictures are wonderful, but to see it in person....mmmm mmmm mmmm. yes, i had to own a piece. and now i do. and he's making another piece for me. i know, i know blah blah blah no income yet blah blah. but this was the equivalent to groceries for me - a necessity. i would forever regret not being able to see and touch this every day. he has a method of embedding nails and tacks into the clay before it's fired, and the glaze - i've never seen glaze work like this...sort of a pastel powdery finish. the colors are all light and beautiful, but then there's the metal juxtaposing. and the whole thing makes me swoon. such beauty. lord have mercy. it was my plan to finally frame & hang all the incredible artwork i've collected, and been given, now that i have my studio to myself. but i'm seeing that i need a few more walls. i started hanging some of my own work throughout the house. seems strange that i never did before, right? but it was kind of a don't ask-don't tell feel to the whole I'm An Artist thing here. In the past few months, WHAM...a 180. Husband is proud of my work and actually talks about it to other people, and i don't feel like i have to pretend that it's my little hobby. we have finally begun our marriage as a team, as partners. after 10 years. i have given up trying to be a control freak, and he has given up pushing back every little point. and that opened our hearts to one another instantly . we still come from different starting points, but there is a respect for one another that is just so sweet. do i expect rumbles from time to time? i suppose there will be. and there is 1 topic in particular that brings out the stress, but i think we've both learned that we are a team, and i can give some and he can give some, and we'll win this potato sack race called Life. okay - back to pounding teeny tiny bitty eyelets into teeny tiny holes.
Wednesday, May 04, 2011
ants in the pants
i can't seem to get down to business today - ants in the pants. i got up at dark o'clock (as usual!) and after spending THREE hours online and looking through catalogs for a specific item i need in order to proceed, i was just tired. a friend, Donna, who owns Fancifuls saved the day, suggesting 2 of her findings for me to try. (Note: she has 50-gazillion charms in her online store, and she can rattle off the item number of each of them. check out the site ...good people, good product, very very good value). (50-gazillion is an estimate, and there may actually be more). By then, I just wasn't in the mood to hammer, patina, or otherwise construct and conjure jewelry. so i think the best course of action will be a shower (i know, right?) and a walk with diva. followed by some window shopping at Barnes and Noble. i bought a quick read "Nanny Diaries" at a used book sale last week, in prep for The Prep. It's pretty funny (the book, definitely not the prep).
am trying to stay out of my own head about an issue that's always been a sore spot for me: returning calls/emails. i am a constant communicator. it's a fault. i am aware. however...when a message is left for someone that specifies that some information is needed from them, or that you do need a call back, it is rude to not call or email. it just is. it's hurtful to the person waiting. i will always say "no response needed - just wanted to say hi," or something similar if no response is needed. i am also aware that i may appear to have more time on my hands than someone working in an office. and true, i can pick up the phone whenever i want, but...i am dependent on my own work ethic to get anything done, and am often waiting for your information in order to complete a portion of a project. or finish a plan. and i recognize that many people who don't work in an office are busier than i can imagine ever. and i accept that it may take a few days to return a call. but please jot an email or leave a voice mail to let me know you've even received the message from the phone answerer who may be a child, and/or not so reliable.
sorry - i didn't mean to go ranting...it's a peeve of mine that is fighting to find prominence in my thoughts today. which makes a shower and a walk in the woods a perfect choice to chase it away.
Monday, May 02, 2011
a short walk

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